Red Havas作为融媒体机构的全球微型网络,在近期发布了最新报告《品牌体验的新视角》。该报告研究了2022年重塑品牌体验格局的力量,并分享了独家见解。
Covering six key trends, the report demonstrates that the accelerated innovations of the last two years will continue to play a pivotal role in the world of Brand Experience. However, the most important insight that has been uncovered from the pandemic is that the key to building real, lasting relationships between brands and audiences boils down to our basic need for human-to-human engagement and shared experiences.
Says James Wright, global CEO of Red Havas, and global chairman of the Havas PR Global Collective: “Globally, we have seen fundamental shifts in consumer behaviours and attitudes that have led to cultural changes and the birth of a new wave of Brand Experience. The industry is shifting the way it operates to engage with consumers. Brands are finding new, and often better, ways to connect with a post-COVID audience to become more relevant, meaningful and effective. It’s going to be a fascinating year ahead to see how Brand Experience will evolve.”
James Wright,担任Red Havas全球首席执行官兼 Havas PR Global Collective 全球主席,他表示:“在全球范围内,我们看到了消费者行为和态度的根本性转变,这些转变导致了文化变革和新一代品牌体验的诞生。行业正在通过改变运营方式去吸引消费者;品牌正在寻找新的,通常也是更好的方式与后疫情受众建立联系,以求变得更有价值,更有意义也更有效。让我们拭目以待,看看品牌体验如何发展,这将是迷人的一年。”
Says Steve Fontanot, managing director, Red Havas and Havas Blvd: “We’re pleased to launch this Brand Experience trend report – it’s a culmination of many hours of research and conversations from right across the global Red Havas community. The report demonstrates the evolutions in consumer behaviours and expectations, as well as the opportunities for brands to engage in more meaningful and connected ways.”
Steve Fontanot 作为 Red Havas and Havas Blvd 董事总经理表示:“我们很高兴发布这份品牌体验趋势报告——这是全球Red Havas社区数小时研究和对话的结晶。该报告揭示了消费者行为和期望的演变,以及品牌以更有意义和更相关的方式进行参与的机会。”
The six trends include:
1. A New Breed of Retail Experimentation: The pandemic has accelerated expectations around traditional bricks-and-mortar stores. In 2022, we will see brands merge experiential and retail to completely reimagine the retail experience – adapting to new customer expectations and innovations and turning the store into a destination.
1. 新的零售体验:疫情增加了人们对于传统实体店的期望值。在2022年,我们将看到品牌将体验式和零售融合,并完全重构零售体验——迎合新的用户期待和创新,把商店变成一个旅行目的地。
2. In Search of New Outlets for Wanderlust Experiences: In a world where human attention is a scarce commodity, with brands competing for their customers’ attention, escapist experiential provides a powerful tool to engage, entertain and captivate new audiences.
2. 为旅行狂的体验寻找新出路:在一个人们的注意力是稀缺商品的世界里,品牌需要争夺消费者的注意力。逃避现实的体验就提供了一个强大有力的工具来吸引、取悦并且吸纳新的受众。
3. Ready for the Metaverse – Embracing a 3D Meta World: We’re yet to enter the metaverse in its truest sense. Virtual worlds have boomed in popularity, but we’re missing the ability to seamlessly jump between them. That, combined with mass adoption of wearable tech, will be the real takeoff moment. In preparation, we will see brands increasingly explore the components that will make up the metaverse: virtual experiences, gaming, AR, VR and 3D design.
3. 为元宇宙做好准备——拥抱3D的元世界: 我们 目前还并没有进入真正意义的元宇宙。虚拟世界已经流行起来,但我们缺少了在其中无缝跳转的能力。这个能力和可穿戴设备技术的大规模采用密切相关,并将会成为真正起飞的时机。在准备时期,我们将会看到品牌越来越多地探索构成元宇宙的组件:虚拟体验,游戏,AR,VR和3D设计。
4. Using Co-creation as a Creative Agent: The mindset has shifted from creating campaigns for audiences,to creating them with communities.Rather than anticipating cultural influence, there’s never been a better time for brands to co-create and contribute in meaningful ways. Giving access to brand opportunities, spaces/places and creative resources to audiences that need it most can forge deeper relationships that go beyond the campaign.
4. 把协同创作作为创意媒介:人们的心态已经从为受众创作广告转变为与社会一起参与创作。与其期待文化影响,现在是品牌用建设性的方式进行联合创作并做出贡献的最佳时机。通过为需要的受众提供接近品牌的机会、空间/地点和创意资源,品牌可以与消费者建立比营销活动走得更远、更深层次的关系。
5. Bespoke Still Matters: Consumers are craving more meaningful connections with brands, and they expect brands to understand and respond to their individual needs. With many brands not quite ready to dive headfirst into large-scale events, hyper individualisation and micro experiences will offer enriching online/offline experiences that make our audiences feel just as connected as with in-person experiences.
5. 定制依然很重要:消费者渴望与品牌建立更有意义的联系,他们希望品牌能够理解并回应他们的个人需求。当许多品牌还没准备好一头扎进大型活动时,超个性化和微体验将会提供丰富的线上/线下体验,这将使我们的受众感觉就像面对面一样紧密相连。
6. Everyone is Welcome: By combining physical and digital brand experiences, we’re finding new opportunities to enhance experiences for all. Providing equal access to all must be considered throughout the planning process to ensure accommodations can be made should people need them. Relatively basic features like live captioning can go a long way to making events more inclusive.
6. 欢迎每个人:通过对实体和数字品牌体验的结合,我们发现了提升所有人体验感的新机遇。在整个规划过程中,必须考虑为所有人提供平等的机会,以确保人们在需要的时候可以适应新活动。相对基础的功能(比如实时字幕)可以大大提高活动的包容性。
The report was authored by Red Havas staffers from around the world, including Steve Fontanot, AU managing director; Michael Ozard, AU group brand experience director; Linda Descano, US EVP and head, corporate communications and executive visibility; Courtney Myers, US SVP and head of experiential; Kana Phung, AU senior producer.
该报告由来自世界各地的Red Havas员工撰写,其中包括Steve Fontanot,AU董事总经理;Michael Ozard,AU集团品牌体验总监;Linda Descano,美国执行副总裁兼企业传播和行政可见度主管;Courtney Myers,美国高级副总裁兼体验主管;Kana Phung,AU高级制片人。
作者: 广告圈头条
来源: 广告圈头条